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Here's what we do for our clients above and beyond just valuing and listing a property
We engage in every step to achieve successful results
Here's our listing process:
Step 1 - Schedule an onsite meeting to walk through your property
we listen to what attracts you to your home
we walk through the property on our own and make notes of key Unique Selling Points as well as valuation change notable items
we schedule a second onsite meet to present our Unique Selling Points package
Step 2 - We work on 2 key information sets before next scheduled meeting
1) Unique selling points and PreMarket preparation guideline
2) Market ValuationÂ
This information provided in one book outlines suggested list price

Step 3 - Sign listing agreement and outline items in premarket preparation to schedule
Step 4 - Prepare Marketing material, pictures, videos, drones, 3D walk throughs carefully chosen to spotlight your property
Print Binded Property Home Book for onsite immediate information access to all viewers

Step 5 - Agents Open and Open Houses determined as beneficial to the property and your schedule - COVID guidelines strictly followed and/or virtual open houses
Step 6 - Review statistics for adjustments if any
Step 7 - Review feedback and offers
Step 8 - Negotiate offers for Price as well as Terms - Careful Communications as we recognize very importantly Negotiations are effective communications with an end result
Step 9 - Work towards Closing and Possession dates - Congratulations on your Sale!/or virtual open houses

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