We at Praedia Real Estate Group want to ensure our clients and public that we are here and working for you with the utmost safety protocols in this Pandemic. As part of our services we want to keep you up to date on changes that affect the Real Estate industry. The Real Estate Council just released this information this morning. Let us know what questions you have or how we may be able to assist in this challenging time.
In the past week, important announcements were made by the provincial government which impact real estate professionals in BC.
Real Estate Declared Essential Service
Real estate services have been identified as essential services by the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. As services that British Columbians rely on, these businesses are encouraged to remain open during the COVID-19 crisis, as long as they obey public health orders to reduce the spread of the virus.
RECBC supports the government’s inclusion of licensed real estate services (which include real estate sales, rental property and strata management) among the essential services that British Columbians depend on during the COVID-19 pandemic. To help real estate professionals and consumers understand their options and make informed decisions while minimizing risk in these unique circumstances, RECBC has information, guidance, and useful tools available on our COVID-19 and Real Estate Services webpages.
